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Most pets are neutered at about 6 months of age.
There are various benefits to doing this in female dogs.
Prevents unwanted pregnancy.
Greatly reduces if not eliminates the possibility of her developing mammary cancer later in life.
Prevents the development of an infected uterus which usually occurs after 4 years.
There are also some risks.
Increased risk of post spay hormone related incontinence especially in large breed dogs and if done before 3 months of age.
Increased risk of obesity and hypothyroidis
The benefits to early castration of male dogs are not as radical.
Reduce risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (overgrowth) and infection although not the risk of cancer. The hyperplasia is reversible if neutering happens later in life.
Reduce risk of perineal hernia
Reduce incidence of perianal adenomas (benign lumps on anus)
Reduce urine marking, mounting and roaming.
Reduces aggression in about 1/3 of dogs. 
The risks associated with early castration can be serious.
Increased incidence of osteosarcoma formation in Rottweilers
Increased incidence of orthopaedic conditions (hip dysplasia, cruciate disease)